Sigh.. just like last sem the week break went pass so quickly. It's already thursday now and I have not start anything on catching up yet. Thanks to slackness and the report that i have to clear..
well, had a rather good holiday anyway, plenty of rest and met up with my uni cliques for dinner at geylang. Had my first Fermented Beancurd as well hehe. Though the smell is not as strong as some of my friends described when he was in taiwan, But i really smelt like ahem. solid wastes if you know what i mean. but it tastes nice actually. Only me, qiang and liang dared to try the bean curd and the rest even dared that if we tried they'll pay for the beancurd. Actually they siam like nobody's business on sight of the food.
sigh week break also meant that cannot see cute girl for a week hahaha.. jialat i am a little bit hua chi already haha.. no la since my cliques had been trying to guess who this girl was, i was just playing along(and they somehow found out abt it already). Just hope that they won't do anything funny to embarrass me can already.