07th January 2012 marked one of the most important events on my calendar, a close friend of mine, Mei Feng, has decided to sign 'the contract' to bind her love to the man she loves. Probably, I am more excited than the bride herself for some other reason. LOL!! (I said it cos i knew you will read this HA!).
Well Meifeng isn't exactly a long time of mine but we became close friends after graduation from University. The irony is, I am not as close to the person who intro-ed us (the other reason) as compared to her. Hmmm.. LOL! From her being single to being in a relation and now, she's married. I really feel sooo happy for her (I secretly shed tears of joy for her.. shhh..) Hey, Meifeng, I bet your dad will be real proud of you and will definitely bless you from above.. Stay cheery ok? hah! The picture above is the winning shot from that ceremony itself and it is the only decent one that I can present. (Shame on me!) I LOVE IT so much!
As for the groom, he's a nice chap and I believe he will definitely look after his wife. And I must say, he's a big 'fan' of my photography LOL! cos he keeps asking me to help him get some pictures taken. LOL.
Now for 'the other reason' why I am so enthusiastic about going to the ceremony. The girl's a very very good friend of Mei feng, and I had a crush on her since an elephant could remember when. And why I didn't go ahead and really court her? The reason is that everytime I her within 10m radius. My mind would automatically shut down and goes into ultimate blankness. Haha.. And after all these years (7 years to be exact), I still could not curb with that difficulty. I mean, I can talk to anybody, anytime, anywhere. But once you place me in front of her, I am as good as dead.
I somehow got to get rid of this problem and start talking to her. ARGH! I just hope that one day I can be terribly honest with her and get rid of all the 'chains' that has been bound to me. I must grab the opportunity as it comes..